Title: “Virtual Engineering and Simulations”
Abstract: Virtual engineering (VE) implementation to support engineering development processes and products’ life cycle is increasing over time due to the availability of more and more computational power and effective use of related expertise. Today the Virtual Prototype (VP)has received much attention in the processes of design and development, production and installation, testing and certification, operations support, and upgrading of developments strategy. The focus of this special session is to explore different aspects of product’s behavior trough the application of VE for the goal of ensuring compliance with user requirements, for manufacturing processes optimisation and for succesful testing and certification. Another aspect to be considered is the applicaiton of digital twins operations updated with actual real live data for behavior prediciton and proactive management for extending reliability and lifetime of the products.
Organizing person: Prof. Georgi Todorov, Technical University of Sofia, Bulgaria
Submission deadline: 20 January 2019.
Notification deadline: 5 February 2019
Camera-ready deadline: 15 February 2019
Expected no. of papers: 6 accepted papers.