Wednesday, 23 Sep 2015
Conference opening
Prof. Liljana Gavrilovska - FABULOUS 2015 General Co-Chair
Prof. Imrich Chlamtac - FABULOUS 2015 General Co-Chair
Prof. Mile Stankovski - Dean of FEEIT / UKIM - Skopje
Keynote speech
Prof. Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto, Canada
“Data Management and Analytics for Smart Transportation”
Keynote speech
Prof. Veljko Milutinovic, University of Belgrade, Serbia
“DataFlow SuperComputing for BigData Analytics”
Sponsor presentation
Dusan Vukasinovic, National Instruments
“From academic research to industrial prototypes with single platform”
Coffee break
Special session on Software-Defined Infrastructures and Smart Applications
Thomas Lin, Byungchul Park, Hadi Bannazedah and Alberto Leon-Garcia, “SAVI Testbed Architecture and Federation”
Pouya Yasrebi, Spandan Bemby, Hadi Bannazedah and Alberto Leon-Garcia, “VNF Service Chaining on SAVI SDI”
Jieyu Lin, Hadi Bannazedah, Petros Spachos and Alberto Leon-Garcia, “SAVI vCPE and Internet of Things”
Ali Tizghadam and Alberto Leon-Garcia, “Application Platform for Smart Transportation”
Prof. Alberto Leon-Garcia, University of Toronto
Special session on Recent advances in IoT communications
Qi Zhang, Frank H. P. Fizek, “Mission Critical IoT Communication in 5G”
Andrea Munari, Marina Petrova and Petri Mähönen, “A Stochastic Geometry Framework for Full-Duplex Machine Type Communications”
Lorenzo Vangelista, Andrea Zanella and Michele Zorzi, “Long-range IoT technologies: the dawn of LoRa”
Aleksandar Ichkov, Vladimir Atanasovski and Liljana Gavrilovska, “Analysis of Two-Tier LTE network with Randomized Resource Allocation and Proactive Offloading”
Prof. Andrea Zanella, University of Padova
Invited talk
Jimmy J. Nielsen, Germán C. Madueño, Nuno K. Pratas, Dong Min Kim, René B. Sørensen, Čedomir Stefanović and Petar Popovski, “How Suitable are Cellular Networks for Connecting Future Electricity Smart Meters”
Special session on Emerging Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living
Georgi Balabanov, Krasimir Tonchev, Pavlina Koleva, Agata Manolova and Vladimir Poulkov, “Cloud Based Service Bricks Architecture for Ambient Assisted Living System”
Maria Mitoi, Razvan Craciunescu, Alexandru Vulpe and Octavian Fratu, “Sensor-based Environmental Monitoring for Ambient Assisted Living”
Valerica Bindar, Mircea Popescu, Valentin Grecu, Razvan Craciunescu and Simona Halunga, “Probability of OFDM signal interception in eHealth applications”
Konstantin Chomu, Vladimir Atanasovski and Liljana Gavrilovska, “Device-Free Localization using Sun SPOT WSNs”
Daniel Denkovski, Vladimir Atanasovski and Liljana Gavrilovska, “Device Gateway Design for Ambient Assisted Living”
Andres Gomez, Xin Wen, Michele Magno and Luca Benini, “Extending Body Sensor Nodes' Lifetime Using a Wearable Wake-up Radio”
Gianpaolo Sannino, Ernestina Cianca, Chafiaa Hamitouche and Marina Ruggieri, “M2M Communications for Intraoral Sensors: a wireless communications perspectives”
Dr. Albena Mihovska, Aalborg University
Coffee break
Sightseeing tour in Ohrid
Thursday, 24 Sep 2015
Keynote speech
Dr. Toktam Mahmoodi, King’s College London, UK
“Functionality as a Service in Mobile Networks, a Gateway to Vertical Industries”
Keynote speech
Prof. Luiz DaSilva, Trinity College Dublin, UK
“Service-Driven Networks: Resource Sharing and the Future of the Wireless Access”
Coffee break
ETAI conference opening
Keynote speech
Prof. Petri Mahonen, RWTH Aachen, Germany
“5G and next generation communications: more of everything or have we lost the vision?”
ETAI keynote speech
Prof. GAO Huijun, Harbin Institute of Technology, China
“Networked Control Systems with Application to Industrial Processes”
Special session on Spectrum Usage: Measurements, modeling, optimization
Dusan Vukasinovic, National Instruments, “Platform based approach for next generation communication systems design”
Elena-Madalina Oproiu, Alexandru Vulpe and Ion Marghescu, “Analysis and measurements of Wi-Fi offloading solutions”
Pero Latkoski, Liljana Gavrilovska, Lidija Paunovska and Pavlos Lazaridis, “Case Study Analysis of DTV Signal Reception near Large Water Surface”
Cosmina-Valentina Nastase, Octavian Fratu, Alexandru Martian and Ion Marghescu, “Performance Analysis of MUSIC and Capon DOA Estimation Algorithms in Cognitive Radio Networks”
Marija Denkovska, Daniel Denkovski, Vladimir Atanasovski and Liljana Gavrilovska, “Power allocation algorithm for LTE-800 coverage optimization and DVB-T coexistence”
Prof. Octavian Fratu, Polytechnic University of Bucharest
Special session on Indoor positioning: enabler for ubiquitous, smart architectures
Josef Kulmer, Erik Leitinger, Paul Meissner and Klaus Witrisal, “Cooperative Multipath-assisted Navigation and Tracking: A Low-Complexity Approach"
Giuseppe Caso and Luca De Nardis, “On the applicability of Multi-Wall Multi-Floor propagation models to WiFi Fingerprinting Indoor Positioning”
Flavio Maschietti, Jocelyn Fiorina and Maria-Gabriella Di Benedetto, “Time Reversal in UWB ad-hoc networks with no power control and inter-symbol interference”
Bouna Fall, Fouzia Elbahhar, Adil Elabboubi, Marc Heddebaut and Atika Rivenq, “UWB And Time-Reversal Techniques Positioning System for Railway Application”
Prof. Luca De Nardis, La Sapienza University of Rome
Coffee break
Special session on Cyberspace Security
Metodi Hadji-Janev and Mitko Bogdanoski, “The Terrorist Threat to the Critical Information Infrastructure in South East Europe”
Biljana Tanceska, Mitko Bogdanoski and Aleksandar Risteski, “Simulation Analysis of DoS, MITM and CDP Security Attacks and Countermeasures”
Mitko Bogdanoski, Pero Latkoski and Aleksandar Risteski, “An Analysis of the Impact of the AuthRF and AssRF Attacks on IEEE 802.11e Standard”
Zoran Nusev and Aleksandar Risteski, “Radio Capacity Planning in the Case of Major Incidents for the Public Safety Agencies”
Goce Stevanoski, Jugoslav Achkoski, Saso Koceski, Ana Madevska Bogdanova and Mitko Bogdanoski, “Addressing Communication Security Issues in BAN Medical System: SIARS”
Marija Bubinska and Aleksandar Risteski, “Performance analysis of Wireless Sensor Networks under DDoS attack”
Prof. Aleksandar Risteski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Prof. Mitko Bogdanoski, “Goce Delchev” University - Shtip
Gala dinner
Friday, 25 Sep 2015
Invited talk:
Josef Noll, “Free access to basic information – the driver for innovation”
Regular session
Marjan Gusev, Sasko Ristov and Kristina Kolic, “Evaluating Scalability Performance in Azure”
Magdalena Kostoska, Marjan Gusev and Sasko Ristov, “An Overview of Cloud Portability”
George Suciu, Alin Geaba, Christina Butca, Victor Suciu and Octavian Fratu, “Basic Internet Foundation”
Remo Pareschi, “From global bellies to global minds: the Bread platform for geo-cultural integration”
Fiammetta Marulli, “IoT to enhance understanding of Cultural Heritage: Fedro authoring platform, artworks telling their fables”
Prof. Vladimir Atanasovski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Prof. Marjan Gusev, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Coffee break
Regular session
Slavche Pejoski and Venceslav Kafedziski, “Estimation of Sparse Time Dispersive SIMO Channels with Common Support in Pilot Aided OFDM Systems using Atomic Norm”
Jovan Stosic and Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, “Outage probability of dual-hop MIMO relay systems with direct links”
Ivana Nikoloska, Zoran Hadzi-Velkov and Hristina Cingoska, “Resource Allocation in Energy Harvesting Communication systems”
Tomislav Shuminoski and Toni Janevski, “Advanced QoS-based User-centric Aggregation (AQUA) for 5G Mobile Terminals in Heterogeneous Wireless and Mobile Networks”
Martin Vasilkovski, “Design and Implementation of a System for Automatic Sign Language Translation”
Prof. Zoran Hadzi-Velkov, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Demo session
Sinisha Pecov, Hristina Chingoska, Ivana Todorovska, Maja Janeva, Kristina Darkoska, Katerina Darkoska, Tomce Mitrov, Sofija Shutarova, Konstantin Chomu, Valentin Rakovic and Liljana Gavrilovska, “CHEST (COPD e-Health Sensor Solution)”
Nikola Jovanovski and Josif Kjosev, “Low Cost Embedded System Platform for Intelligent Transportation Infrastructure Experiments”
Prof. Pero Latkoski, Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje
Boat trip