FABULOUS 2015 will foster a platform for exchange of research ideas and potential business cases organized into four distinct workshops and two special sessions.
Workshop #1: Future access networks
The workshop will comprise topics such as 5G access networks, self-organizing networks, ad-hoc networking, cognitive radio systems and dynamic spectrum access.
Workshop #2: Enablers of future smart infrastructures
The workshop will comprise topics such as Internet/web of things, wireless sensor networks, M2M and D2D communications, smart environments, energy efficiency and green solutions.
Workshop #3: Emerging networking aspects
The workshop will comprise topics such as cloud computing, software defined networking, big data and security.
Workshop #4: Practical use-cases
The workshop will comprise topics such as practical realizations of smart Internet of things, smart grids, eHealth, assisted multi-modal learning etc.
Special sessions
Spectrum Usage: Measurements, modeling, optimization (Session Chair: prof. Octavian Fratu, University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest)
The optimization and rational use of wireless communication bands requires an accurate estimation of the current spectrum utilization and assessment of potential vacant spectrum holes. The main objective of the measurements and the modelling is to evaluate spectrum occupancy fostering subsequent decisions (based on the empirical and modelled data) on potential secondary usage of particular spectrum bands. This may prove as a crucial step towards practical implementation of secondary spectrum usage technologies.
This Special Session targets recent advances in spectrum measurements, spectrum usage modelling and potential functional and operational procedures within, towards possible re-usage of the underutilized TV and radar spectrum bands. It will showcase papers that analyse spectrum measurement methodologies, spectrum usage modelling methodologies, mechanisms for reliable interference monitoring, spectrum intruder detection etc. These aspects contribute to the development of novel business opportunities and services leading to increased revenues and increased survivability of the wireless communications systems under various circumstances.
Emerging Technologies for Ambient Assisted Living (Session Chair: prof. Albena Mihovska, Aalborg University)
Wireless radio-based communication technologies have drastically evolved over the past decades to deliver lower cost, higher efficiency, enhanced quality of experience and diversified smart services (e.g., ambient assisted living, smart grid, e-health). Today, there is a large variety of existing communication systems, each conceived with the similar motivation to provide universal service facilities to users, while maintaining or increasing profitability. Interoperable, ubiquitous and dynamic are the key characteristics. The future development of these technologies faces multi-fold challenges, which are determined by the complexity of the myriad of emerging user and usage scenarios, the scarcity of radio spectrum (licensed and unlicensed), and the quest for user-friendly, data-intensive and security-sensitive technology and applications.
This Special Session seeks novel and unpublished contributions on the above topics. Authors are encouraged to submit both specific research results pertaining to advances in both the communication and service/application layers as well as their personal outlook analysis on the future of ambient assisted living technologies.